I don’t flush selected to be the GLIN Site of the Month for April 2015!

The I don’t flush website has been selected to be the Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) Site of the Month for April 2015!
Others that have been honoured with this designation include websites for the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York and Wisconsin; the U.S. EPA-Great Lakes National Program Office; New York State’s Seaway Trail; the St. Lawrence Seaway; and many more. See www.great-lakes.net/news/sitemont.html for more information.
A Great Lakes Commission project, the Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) is an online gateway to the Great Lakes region. GLIN’s data and services cover the environment, economy, tourism, education, maps, demographics and more. Launched in 1993, GLIN is growing and currently averaging more than 4.5 million hits per month. Visit GLIN at www.great-lakes.net to learn more!